A Somatic Approach to Trauma Coupling Dynamics
Many trauma therapists find that working with traumatic coupling dynamics is the most challenging aspect of the process of renegotiating traumatic experiences and the affiliated symptoms of unresolved trauma. The complexities of these varied elements of traumatic experiences bind and contribute to traumatic stress symptoms.
Having a model to use to guide your work as you untangle the complexities of these dynamics is essential. This workshop will provide a model that is simple enough to be understandable for those who are just starting out in their work with coupling dynamics, yet nuanced enough to support the most experienced clinician in their ongoing skills development.
Coupling dynamics related to traumatic stress are usually taught with the focus primarily on the skills the practitioner needs in order to work effectively. However, there are also skills the client needs to have to make the work effective. The client cannot learn from experiences that are over or under coupled, so helping clients unlock the coupling dynamics is key to helping them resolve their trauma. This model used for working with coupling dynamics also includes information about how the practitioner can support the development of the client’s proficiency in working with their own traumatic coupling dynamics.
This course is designed for professionals with at least some knowledge and experience in working with a somatic approach to traumatic coupling dynamics.
What are Coupling Dynamics ?
The concept of coupling dynamics is used in both psychotherapy and trauma recovery models. Traumatic coupling dynamics occur as a common consequence of exposure to the overwhelming experiences that are at the root of trauma. It is a complex process of linking and unlinking elements of traumatic experiences, which in turn creates some of the complexities that challenge practitioners in their work with clients.
The terms we use to describe the two primary categories of coupling are: over-coupling and under-coupling.
Over-coupling means that something has become linked (coupled) within a traumatic experience that shouldn’t be. An example would be of someone who is riding a bus, and through the window of the bus witnesses an assault and robbery. Even though that person was themselves not injured, being on a bus is now associated with the fear they felt from witnessing the assault. Riding the bus has now become over-coupled with a fear response.
If a practitioner is working with this client to resolve their anxiety and fear of being on a bus, the work is likely to be successful only if the client’s fear that was elicited by witnessing the assault is de-coupled from the experience of riding the bus.
Under-coupling means that things that should have been connected, which really do belong together, have been disconnected. A common example would be not remembering a key element of a traumatic experience – essentially dropping it from the story of the experience because it’s simply too overwhelming to remember it. Using the same example of the bus passenger, if the experience of witnessing the assault was so overwhelming to them that they blocked it from their memory of that bus trip, it’s possible they might later experience the same anxiety about riding the bus, but be unaware of its origin. That aspect of the experience is now under-coupled from the symptoms of fear and anxiety.
If a practitioner is working with this client to resolve their anxiety about riding the bus, that work is unlikely to be successful unless the fear elicited by witnessing the assault is addressed. That will require re-coupling the memory of the assault and its association with being on a bus.
While these two primary categories of traumatic coupling seem relatively simple, there are almost infinite ways in which the dynamics of over- and under-coupling can manifest in relation to trauma. The list of things that might become over/under coupled in traumatic experience is long: It could be something that was heard during the experience; a sensation that was felt; a smell that was present; the response of others present that induced a sense of shame; a theme that was familiar from other experiences (such as helplessness); protective responses that were experienced as being unsuccessful; multiple experiences that had enough similarities that they have linked together as if they were a single event…the list goes on. There are many variations, and those variations often produce the most confusing aspects of trauma recovery work.
The complexities of these varied elements of traumatic experiences bind and contribute to traumatic stress symptoms. Having a model to use to guide your work as you untangle the complexities of these dynamics is essential.
Workshop Content
Please note that this workshop is presented using an online format.
There is a combination of pre-recorded self-paced lecture and demonstration video viewing, an online ‘live’ Q&A segment plus the online Skill Building Workshop to cover experiential practice of the specific somatic techniques presented. Live demonstrations are included within the Skill Building Workshop.
Study groups may be formed for optional post-module in-person practice.
Working effectively with coupling dynamics is one of the most critical skills a practitioner needs to work successfully with when renegotiating trauma, but it can also be the most challenging to master. This course will focus specifically on the skills that both the practitioner and the client can develop in order to be effective in resolving the complexities of traumatic coupling dynamics.
Unraveling the tangled threads of over- and under-coupled responses and symptoms is made much easier if you have a clear model for identifying different versions of coupling dynamics, and then clear methods for addressing them. In this program, we will address both of those needs with the following content:
A thorough orientation to coupling dynamics
Methods and tools for developing the practitioner skills that are needed for working effectively with coupling dynamics
- Practice of somatic techniques for working with four versions of coupling dynamics:
- Different aspects of a single traumatic event
- Themes or aspects of multiple traumatic experiences
- As part of a habitual and predictable response pattern; including chronic symptoms
- As a “packaging” strategy to limit overwhelm in relation to traumatic experiences
Working with re-coupling positive experiences as part of resolution of trauma
- Methods for supporting client skills development in working more proficiently with their own traumatic coupling dynamics
Triad Practice
The practices will be described with a non-touch focus though some information on using touch will be included.
Touch techniques will include the use of what we call ‘intentional touch’ which can be applied with or without the direct use of touch.
All techniques are applicable for both in-person and online work and can be used with either chair or table work. They may be blended within many modalities.
Lecture Videos
- Overview of the Model
- Working with Single Experience
- Working with Multiple Experiences
- Working with Packaging Strategies
- Working with Habitual Responses & Symptoms
- Client Skills Development
- Putting It All Together
Demonstration Videos
- Single Experience
- Multiple Experiences
- Client Skills: Same/Different; Local/Global
- Packaging
- Habitual Responses (1)
- Client Skills: Neutral/Positive
- Habitual Responses (2)
Program Format
The training is presented using an online format. There are three components:
1) Distant learning provides pre-module online lecture and demo videos for studying in your own time prior to attending the Skill Building Workshop.
2) Skill Building Workshop includes four days of experiential triad practice to integrate the theory. There will be opportunities for sharing your experiences with other students and to ask questions of the trainer. The Skill Building Workshop is attended ‘live’ during real-time on the Zoom platform.
3) Prior to the Skill Building Workshop there is a ‘live’ online Q&A segment with the trainer, one week before the workshop.
Lecture & Demonstration Videos
There are 6 hours of lecture to view plus bonus full length session demonstration videos to support each lecture. Lectures and demos are presented by Kathy Kain.
- 6 hours of pre-recorded lecture videos to watch at your own pace
- the videos go LIVE 5 weeks before the online Skill Building Workshop
- the videos are to be viewed in their entirety prior to attending the Skill Building Workshop
- the videos remain available to review for up to one year
Skill Building Workshop
There are four days of live online Skill Building experiential practice. Hand-Outs include an Introduction & Review of Trauma Coupling Dynamics plus Practice Instructions
Students must attend the Skill Building class during real-time on Zoom. Attendance is required for the full workshop.
Meeting links will be sent to the email address you have provided with your registration.
Experience and learn the work first hand through experiential triad practice.
- a short live demo to illustrate each triad practice
- every daily triad practice group is supported by an assistant
- Q&A with Kathy follows each practice
- an opportunity for sharing experiences with other students
The Skill Building class demonstrations and Q&A are recorded and available for reveiew. Practice groups are not recorded.
Q&A Segment
Kathy provides a Q&A segment one week prior to the Skill Building Workshop.
- one x 1.5 hours of Q&A
- the segment is recorded and posted
- attendance is expected and strongly recommended
Attendance & Pre-requisites
Please note: participants are required to view all lecture videos and attend all days of the Skill Building Workshop, in their entirety, to complete the program.
It is important to attend the full training for the optimum learning experience.
Please be aware that places are limited.
Watching the Training Videos
This training includes Distant Learning access. Distant Learning provides online lectures and demo videos you can view at your own pace and in your own time. Videos go live 5 weeks prior to the Skill Building Workshop.
It is required that ALL of the lecture videos are viewed prior to attending the Skill Building Workshop. The bonus demonstration videos are optional viewing, though it is recommended to view these to support the integration of the lecture theory.
NOTE: Access to the videos is via a password protected student portal. Access is provided only after teh tuition fee hasbeen paid in full.
Professional Development Hours
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements vary across Professional Associations. Please contact your Association for specific requirements.
A Certificate of Completion is provided for 26 hours of professional development.
- Online ‘real time’ Skill Building Workshop attendance – 20 hours
- Distant Learning Lectures – 6 hours
To receive a CPD Certificate of Completion for Trauma Coupling Dynamics, participants are required to pay the tuition fee in full, complete the distant learning component by viewing all lecture videos, attend the Skill Building Workshop plus complete an online evaluation form by a set submission date.
Who May Attend
Trauma Coupling Dynamics is intended as professional development for clinicians and practitioners in the field of somatics, psychotherapy, trauma recovery and physical care. Prior knowledge and experience at the practitioner level in a bio-physiological model of trauma resolution is required as a pre-requisite for this training. It is presumed that clinical skills are already present.
Having education in how trauma impacts someone emotionally and psychologically is helpful, but the emphasis is for participants to already have a grounding in what happens in the physiology during traumatic stress.
Please note: The program does not teach the bio-physiology of trauma nor provide the basic clinical skills for working with trauma. Participants are presumed to already have a working knowledge, at the practitioner level, of working with traumatic stress.
What is a Bio-Physiological Model of Trauma Resolution?
An understanding and experience of a bio-physiological model of working with trauma would include knowledge of –
- the impact of trauma on the autonomic nervous system
- traumatic stress physiology
- practice & experience in working with activation/deactivation cycles
- practice & experience in supporting orientation and self-protection impulses in clients
This could include modalities such as
- Somatic Experiencing Beginning Level
- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
- Hakomi Method
Also suitable is the completion of a relevant somatic based trauma resolution training such as
- Touch Skills for Therapists Training – Kathy Kain
- Transforming the Experience-Based Brain – Stephen Terrell
- NeuroAffective® Touch Foundation Training – Aline La Pierre
If you have questions about other work you have done that might be the equivalent, please provide details and any queries on the application form.
Please be aware that it is not sufficient that an applicant has received sessions in a modality that works with traumatic stress, or has completed a trauma related training, without having actually practiced the tools learned by working with traumatic stress in a professional setting.
Workshop Dates
All dates and times are based in the Australian Eastern Time Zone.
CLICK HERE to convert to your time zone.
Trauma Coupling Dynamics | ||
Skill Building Workshop | 7-10 Nov 2025 (Fri-Mon) | 9:15am – 2:30pm AEDT |
Lecture Videos Open | 3 Oct 2025 (Sat) | available for 1 year |
Q&A Segment | 1 Nov 2025 (Sat) | 9:30am – 11:00am AEDT |
Tuition Fee Options
All participants are charged the full tuition fee.
For Australian residents the advertised tuition fee includes GST.
USA and Canada-based participants pay the US-equivalent tuition fee for the program, as is advertised on the Somatic Practice website.
Australia & Asia/Pacific Region | Super Earlybird – enrol by 7 July, 2025 Earlybird – enrol by 7 September, 2025 Standard – enrol by 24 October, 2025 |
$1,400 AUD $1,550 AUD $1,700 AUD |
Deposit: A $600 AUD deposit is payable within 7 days of enrolment to hold your place on the training. The balance of payment is due by the relevant super early bird, early bird date or standard date. | ||
USA & Canada | Super Earlybird – enrol by 7 July, 2025 Earlybird – enrol by 7 September, 2025 Standard – enrol by 24 October, 2025 |
$900 USD $1,000 USD $1,100 USD |
Deposit: A $400 USD deposit is payable within 7 days of enrolment to hold your place on the training. The balance of payment is due by the relevant super early bird, early bird date or standard date. |
Early Bird Payment Plan
A variety of payment plan options are available for anyone who registers by the Super Early Bird date. A payment plan is ideal if you would like to receive the offered discount of the Super Early Bird but prefer to pay the tuition fee in regular monthly instalments. You may start a payment plan as early as you wish and nominate your preferred number of instalments. A payment plan must complete by 18 September, 2025.
A $77 administration fee applies to any payment plan option. Conditions apply.
Apply early to avoid disappointment.
When enrolling the tuition fee defaults to the tuition fee for the current registration date bracket of either Super Early Bird, Early Bird or Standard.
Trauma Coupling Dynamics
If you have any queries, please email tracey@seaustralia.com.au
Please allow up to seven business days for a response.
Kathy L. Kain MA, PhD, SEP
Somatic Practitioner, Educator, Developer of Touch Skills for Therapists
Kathy Kain has practiced and taught bodywork and trauma recovery skills for over 44 years. She teaches in Europe, Australia, Canada, and throughout the United States.
Kathy’s trainings cover various interwoven focus areas, including trauma recovery, somatic touch, self-regulation skills, and resilience. These focus areas ultimately weave together into a unified somatic approach to touch, awareness, and relationship. Her educational approach encourages students to engage in an ongoing practice that deepens their skills and expertise as they gradually embody the work and make it their own.
Kathy developed her Touch Skills Training for Trauma Therapists as a way to support professionals in more fully integrating a somatic and touch-oriented approach in their practices. She also co-created the Somatic Resilience and Regulation: Early Trauma training program with Stephen J. Terrell, which was the basis of their book together; ’Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma’.
In addition, Kathy is a senior trainer in the Somatic Experiencing training program, and was a senior trainer for 12 years in the Somatic Psychotherapy training program based in Sydney, Australia.
Kathy also co-authored ’Ortho-Bionomy; A Practical Manual’ and ’The Tao of Trauma: A Practitioner’s Guide for Integrating Five Element Theory and Trauma Treatment’. The Tao of Trauma: East meets West for Integrative Healing, has a focus on using the Five Elements from Traditional Chinese Medicine to explain trauma.
Registration Terms
Refunds & Cancellations
To request a cancellation, please email info@seaustralia.com.au and include ‘TCD CANCELLATION’ in the subject line of the email. It is your responsibility to ensure that the notice of cancellation has been received by the Organiser. If a confirmation of cancellation reply is not received via return email within 48 hours please re-send the cancellation request.
Students may cancel within five (5) business days after their initial registration and receive a full refund of any tuition paid less an administration fee of $50.
Cancellations received after five (5) business days and prior to the Early Bird registration deadline will receive a full refund of any tuition paid less an administration fee of $150.
Students who cancel their registration after the Early Bird Registration deadline, and before the Final Payment Payment deadline, will forfeit their deposit.
Students who cancel their registration after the Final Payment Payment deadline OR after receiving video recordings for online classes (whichever is the earlier), will NOT receive a refund of any amount.
Transfer Registration
Students may transfer their registration to another applicant for a transfer fee of $150, up until the Early Bird Registration deadline. After the Early Bird Registration deadline, transfer requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Payment Due Dates
Website Registration is available up to 14 days before the start of the Skill Building Workshop. New registrations will then only be accepted by arrangement. Participants who wish to register after the final registration deadline should email info@seaustralia.com.au for assistance.
Super Early Bird Registration ends 120 days before and Early Bird Registration ends 60 days before the first day of the Workshop. The Final Payment deadline is 14 days prior to the Skill Building Workshop.
Excepting for those on a payment plan, full tuition payment is due by the relevant Early Registration deadline in order to qualify for the discount. If payment is not made by the relevant deadline, Standard Registration rates will take effect after Early Bird Registration ends, even if the participant has previously paid a deposit to hold their space.
Payment Plans must complete 5 weeks prior to the Skill Building Workshop in order to receive access to any related videos.
The tuition fee must be paid in full to receive access to any related videos, and links to the online meetings. Videos will be distributed starting 5 weeks before the Skill Building Workshop, and participants should plan to complete 6-10 hours of video review in advance.
If cancelling after having access to the videos, participants will not receive a refund of any kind.
EXCEPTION (for classes with a waiting list): The Final Payment and Cancellation deadline may be changed to be earlier, with notice to all enrolled participants via email and on our website. After this adjusted date, registrations not paid in full may be cancelled, and no refunds will be given for cancellations. These special measures will ensure cancellations are received in time to offer openings to participants from the waiting list.
Reminders & Notifications
Participants on a wait list will receive periodic updates via email, and be encouraged to withdraw from the wait list if they know they will not register for a class if invited.
Invitations to join a class from the wait list will be sent automatically via email when space becomes available. Invited participants will have two business days to register or make arrangements to hold the available space. After two business days, the space will be offered to the next student on the list.
Participants who are registered for a class will receive reminders at the approach of the relevant payment deadline and the video recording distribution date.
Participants are responsible for checking their email, including spam folders, for these reminders and notifications.
Somatic Events Australia is the organiser for the Trauma Coupling Dynamics training within Australia. The organiser’s sole role is to process registrations for the event. Somatic Events Australia accepts no responsibility for the views expressed, the content, advice or contributions made by any trainer or persons present; which are all the views of the individuals concerned. The content is not medical advice or counselling; it is an educational forum for appropriately qualified and experienced professionals in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy and Mental Health. No responsibility is taken for the attendance or participation of any person not qualified or for the use, misuse or misunderstanding of any information or view given.